The TM Book Project

Easily understood knowledge about TM and related programs for everyone in the world.


The Project builds on the foundation of the 1975 million-seller The TM Book: How to enjoy the rest of your life. It begins with two new, vastly updated volumes.  Original-Book-1975c

 These are on sale at online booksellers and available for TM movement projects –

  1. The TM & TM Sidhi Book: Enlightenment, Invincibility, world Peace (466 pages) uses a simple Q&A format. It gives a comprehensive vision of TM and related branches of Maharishi’s knowledge. Engaging different learning styles it has:
    1. hundreds of entertaining drawings, and
    2. 87 scientific research charts and descriptions.

Thousands of copies of The TM & TM-Sidhi Book are in use in Nepal. It is used, as a textbook for students where TM and the TM-Sidhi program are part of their daily routine.

  1. The TM Research Summary Book (108 pages) concisely overviews hundreds of studies on the benefits of the TM programs. It’s a great little gift to leave after a presentation, perhaps with a few charts flagged.  Or to be given to supporters, to remind them what they are creating with their support.




More books in the works!

This material is in state-of-the-publisher’s-art digital format. So it is easy to craft different packages from the same material.

Coming Soon:

     The TM Book: How to enjoy the rest of your life, 2023 edition

     Grow to Be Great: The TM Book for young people

     The TM Book for Health Care Professionals

All the knowledge online for the world to access offers the full contents of all books online as interactive flipbooks.

All the study references, videos, articles, profiles will have links. Using these links anyone anywhere has a broad variety of resources to explore.

The TM Book Team


Denise Denniston Gerace PhD, TM teacher and author;



David Orme-Johnson PhD, expert in the research documenting TM;





Allen Cobb, editor and expert in the details of digitizing Maharishi's knowledge.





We thank you for your support.

Help us send 100% of your donations directly to fund our projects. We're seeking supporters to help cover our monthly operational expenses of approximately $6,500, allowing us to maximize the impact of every contribution. Your support in this specific area will empower us to maintain our commitment to full transparency and effectiveness in our mission.